10) There's about a 90% chance you won't get in
9) Bullseye and I want to go back
8) To become the first Aumsville finisher
7) Your love of rattlesnakes
6) Your ability to push people to set new course records
5) I heard they're adding a scramble section
4) Party at Brown's Bar
3) We need to find your sock
2) The Buckle
1) It's Western freaking States
Readers, feel free to add any additional reasons...
Tillamook Burn 50-miler
8 years ago
Did someone mention rattlesnakes?
Another reason to enter:
0) If you're selected I will gladly share my gummy bears with you
There is really only one reason why you should enter Western States and that needs to be repeated... There is only one reason why you should enter Western States... After running the damn course in sub 23:27:32, you can run by Ken Ward , slap him on the ass, and let him know, "Hey Ken, I am still faster then Mike." Need any other reason?
What about Plain? I just don't think this is the year.
You did read the blog about drinking out of a mud puddle for Plain? Now that's thirsty.
The top ten list changes for Plain:
10) There's about a 190% chance you will get in
9) You may not want to go back
8) To become the first and only Aumsville finisher
7) The rattlesnakes are more inviting, thay say please let me bite you
6) Your ability to push yourself to set a new course records
5) The scramble sections to get back to the start line
4) No Party at Brown's Bar, just You and a beer.
3) You'll need to find your sock, your water bottle, and your car
2) Buckle, what buckle?
1) You'll wish it was Western freaking States
0) Skip Plain, jump right to Barclay
Whatever, you do William, Western States is calling your name.
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