Friday, October 4, 2013

Time to Start Over...Long Live Life

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome to 2013

2012 was another memorable year of running and learning from mistakes. I feel like I really pushed my limits...and in some cases, found the breaking point. I'm looking forward to using those learnings in 2013.

Things I learned in 2012...
January - Beer miles can be won with strictly running ability.
February - Volunteering at Hagg Lake might be more fun than running there.
March - If you have a choice, run with the wind on your back.
April - You know you're in trouble when the first mile of a marathon seems long.
May - When running without a watch, you tend to lose track of time.
June - Birthdays and holidays can be good excuses to run.
July - Mohawks make you run faster.
August - IVs after a race make you feel better.
September - You can get from Williams to Ashland much faster by driving in a car (even on those lousy roads).
October - The cure for a bad race is to race even more.
November - The Silver Creek Falls Marathon is a must-run race.
December - The Willamette River is pretty cold in the winter.

Poll Question

Has it been longer since I've...

1) Blogged
2) Had a Haircut